Blog Posts
The Software Documentation Trifecta
Software Performance Rarely Matters
Modularization Can Mitigate People Problems
In Defense of Object-Oriented Programming
Guest Post: In Defense of Clean Code
Are Developers Feature Machines?
The Knowing-Doing Gap In Software Development
Why Continuous Improvement Rarely Works
Guest Post: Your Database Deserves Better
Developer Growth Is Rare
Mitigating the Billion-Dollar Mistake
How To Avoid Wasting Time With Integration Tests
Productive and Unproductive Friction
Process Changes Cannot Fix People Problems
Abstractions Aren't Free
Web Frontends Should Be Dumb
Beyond Email: Leveraging Issue Trackers for Effective Communication
Use Kanban in Fake Agile Companies
Fake Agile Companies
Easy To Implement Software Is Worth More
Code Reviews Should Be Optional
Code Duplication: When It Makes Sense to Repeat Yourself
Book Review: Domain-Driven Design by Eric Evans
ABAP Exception Pitfalls
Adding Microservices Degrades Your Monolith
The Subsidiarity Principle In Software Development
Use Kanban instead of Scrum
Sane Programming
Avoid Caching
Stop the Decline First
The Power of Incentives
Seven Signs That Something Is Wrong With Your Scrum
Look Upstream For The Cause Of Your Problems
The Futile Quest for True Object-Orientation
The Leader-to-Worker-Ratio
Testing vs. Quality
Why Your Developers Don't Write Automated Tests
Choose Simple Solutions Over Flexible Ones
It Doesn't Matter When You Write Your Tests
The Developer Skill Matrix
Book Review: Elegant Objects by Yegor Bugayenko
Clean Code in Real Life
What's Your Expected User Competency?
The Trouble with Knowledge Transfer Meetings
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